
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 2015 Currently

New year, new month, new currently!

I have a few albums I am obsessed with, Maroon 5's V, TSwifts 1089, and the one I am listening to now is Ed Sheeran's X. 
One of the things I really love is having a plan day to get ready before the students arrive on Monday. I do have mixed feelings because well it means I have to go into work on a Friday, BUT I am looking forward to having some time to sort copies, change up the decor, set up new workstations, and generally organize the mess I left before break, WITHOUT children around.
I brought home work and while I have updated all 42 of my files and scored all Kinder and first grade quarterly writing samples, I have yet to upload all that information into my 2nd quarter report cards. I know I still have time, but I wanted to have it done before I went back to work tomorrow. :/ Boo
Okay, so while I am looking forward to the teacher plan day... tomorrow, I am wishing I had an extra few days or even a week. I will really miss my Doctor Who, Walking Dead and Breaking Bad marathons. 
It is no secret I am a night owl. Over break, over every break, I have a tendency to flip my hours. Yep that means I am up really late and sleep in. This is obviously a problem when I have to be at work at 8:15am. So tomorrow morning will be hard.
Again, I have made no secret about being a little organization obsessed. However, over the corse of the school year I tend to lay stuff around and some of my spaces get a bit messy. I really want to get back to a clean and organized space.
I really want to get back in the groove of blogging regularly. I am going to try and make a plan for it. Let's see if I can stick to it.
This past year, while my blog shop did ok, I have to admit I slacked quite a bit. I didn't do much in the way of creating new lesson plan templates or promotion. This year I want to refocus on my shop, update my older templates and create some new ones. I also took the big step of revamping my TPT shop, finally became a premium seller and put my pre-made templates on there. I will still sell all my pre-made templates and continue to make custom templates on my blog shop, A Teacher's Plan
but now you can also find my pre-made templates on Teachers Pay Teachers.
That is also where you can find my new freebie.
A new January calendar and To Do list.
Don't forget to stop by Farley's blog to, thank her for hosting this fab linky every month and of course read the other Currentlys.
Wishing you and yours a happy new year!
May 2015 bring you all that your heart desires.


  1. We did one year without a planning day before the kids come back...it was AWFUL! Now the district always has us come back on Monday, and the kids on Tuesday. Half of our days is always taken up with trainings though...hopefully you get a lot done in your room.

    I also flip my schedule during breaks. I was up until 5 this morning, and then slept until noon. I'm glad I have until Monday to get back on schedule.

    The Disneyfied Teacher

    1. Ryan, how lucky that you have Monday as a plan day! So jelly.
      And as you can see it is almost 1am and I am still awake. Flipping back my hours is going to be really hard. LOL

  2. I totally agree that the work day before the kids come back from a vacation is crucial. I'm just sorry that you have it on a Friday! We're having a professional learning day on Monday, and then we'll see the kids on Tuesday. I'm glad because my sense of time and what day of the week it is is really messed up at this point.

    Good luck on blogging more this year! I have a similar goal.
    Your new follower,
    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  3. Super cute freebie! It's always so tough going back after a break. I love sleeping in and staying in yoga pants all day! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

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