
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wow, what a week... & a classroom update #9... almost done.

It has been a crazy week for me. I have been struggling just to keep up with all the work and activities (Open houses, yes that is plural) I have had on my plate. However, I am optimistic and feel that this week my schedule and work load will calm down.

I have new pictures. Wanna see?

In Classroom A (My home school)
I added my Safari hats with my Kinder students names.
 A closer look.
Since then I have added another section for my 1st graders. On Monday I have to add a 3rd section for my 2nd graders.
 Here is where I will post my students "Line Order".
You know red for Kinder,  blue for 1st and I am working on a green for 2nd. I seem to be missing some numbers. :/

 I put up my Alphabets.
 A closer look.

I kind of organized my library. I still have a long way to go, but at least it LOOKS orderly.

 I put up my seasonal board.
I use this board to teach about the seasons, seasonal clothing, and seasonal vocabulary.

I started on my Star Reader board.
I now have to add my students pictures with a star. Once a week when I check their homework reading log, we tally up the books read and write that number on their star.
 I love this boarder!
Here is what it looks like completed.

I also started on my Writers bulletin board. I post my Writing Strategies on this board.
 This is what it looked like last year.

 I've gotten less done in classroom B, but I did want to share my fancy new banner.
It is from Stephanie at Parker's Prints ETSY Store. Stephanie is a doll work with and always makes the prettiest things.
 Can you see the lovely sign I won from Hadar's shop? I am sad I forgot :( to take a picture of my other sign from Porter's Polka Dots but I will do that on Monday. It is located on the opposite side of the room on my other window with my Vista Print yard sign.

I also put up my new Dot's on Chocolate calendar.
 I had a hard time deciding where to put this lovely addition to my room. My space is limited. However, I decided on this smaller white board, mainly because I couldn't decide what else to do with the white board, but also because it is low enough for my students to reach. I will probably put my daily charts underneath... maybe.
I think the colors go well with my surfing theme. I am not done, I have to add a few more items, like my monthly cupcake for birthdays. I am also going to TRY to make it look like a shack or cabana and  I will call it my Calendar Cabana.

My inspiration for the Surf theme came from Deanna's Surf Shack bulletin board display.
I plan on copying it to display my students work. However, I don't know where I can put it yet. Just in case you wanted to do a Surf Theme too, here is what I have thought or copied for my Surf theme room so far.
Students Work: Surf Shack
Calendar: Calendar Cabana
Word Wall: Ride the Word Wave
Teacher Area: The Big Kahuna
Counting to 100 board: Hang Ten!
Computer: Surfin' the Web
Reading station or center: Rad Reading hut, or Riptide Reading/ or Reading Reef
Seasonal Weather board: Wetsuit Weather (although I don't think I will have space for this board.)
Bathroom passes: Dudes & Bettys

I'm off now, got more work to do. I have a ton of little things to do/ create, ie: student name labels for just about everything. 
No rest for the wicked. :)


  1. Your room(s) look great! You've made a lot of progress since the last pictures you shared. :)
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. I have so much to catch up on!!! Update #9?!?! Your rooms look amazing!! I want to set up a classroom SO badly!! I think I'll whine about it a little more...anyway, missed you! Glad to be back!

    BB :)

  3. Room is looking gooooood!
    I like "Reading Reef". Think of the connections you can make! And how about "Funky Forecast" for the weather space?

    ✪ Liam ✪
    Twist of Liam

  4. Your classrooms look great! I also work in two buildings...setting up 2 classrooms is hard work! I'm not as far along as you are but I did a ton of laminating and cutting this weekend so I'll have plenty to hang up this week :)

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your surf theme! Super cute! Everything is looking great!!!

  6. Your room(s) look adorable! I am curious about the hand signs you have underneath your writers board????

  7. Weety, I will post about those later this week. Keep yours eyes open. :)

    Ms. M

  8. I am so excited to see the banner up! It looks great in the window! I love seeing the progress of your rooms, they look great!


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