Monday, February 6, 2012

Inspired shots

First, I have to ask, what do you think of the new look?
Although I loved my old template, after I got A Teacher's Plan done by Kristen at...

I couldn't resist doing it again. We kept the same color scheme but added it in chevron, my current obsession.

Warning: This post will be completely not teaching related.
Occasionally venture off teaching blogs and find some other great blogs out there. While reading Following Your Bliss, I found Shadows and Light. Shadows and Light is a blog written by Steve, an American photo journalist living in London. He writes daily and I go every morning, just to check out what new fab picture he has got up. Anyway, to make a long story short, I was inspired to share some of my pictures with you.

Now those of you who are long time readers, know that I usually post pictures of big snow falls here where I live. I mention in my previous post that we were getting LOTS of snow. We did, I believe it was a foot of snow. (Disclaimer, I took these with my iPhone.) I woke up on Saturday morning to this.
Let me just add that these pictures were taken in the morning and it did not stop snowing all day.
Ok now that I have made myself cold I will stop. There are TONS more, because you know once I got started, I couldn't stop. I just didn't want to bore you with 28 pictures of the same.

I guess this kind of weather warrants a revision of A Snowy Day. If I am feeling generous I might even take the kids out to make a snowman.

Have a great day, and I hope it is a warm one.


  1. I'm so jealous. We haven't had any snow this year. My fiance and I are hoping for some snow so we can take our engagement pictures in it. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. I like the new look too!

    1. You can have it! I've never seen engagement pictures in the snow. Sounds pretty thought.

      Ms. M

  2. Your new look is great! Love it! We still have yet to receive that type of snow here in the Northeast. It is so strange!! It looks beautiful though! Great photos!
    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

    1. We hadn't gotten this much snow this yet either. Not until Saturday. Maybe it will get to you in a day or two.

      Ms. M

  3. I love your new look :)
    And, even though I will regret saying this, I'm a little bit jealous of the snow. We usually have a couple big snows by now, but we've only had little dustings. I just want one big snow this year. One and only one and it can be gone in a couple days ;)


    1. Jodi, I hope you get that one big snow. I hope that is what this was.

      Ms. M

  4. thanks for sharing this beautiful photos...I will do some when (if) it will snow here in the sout of Italy - Apulia

  5. Replies
    1. Jennifer, I love taking pictures too. Always have.

      Ms. M

  6. Those pictures are pretty! That's a lot of snow!! Holy moly!

    1. Yeah, tell me about it, I had to shovel some of it.

      Ms. M

  7. The new look is fabulous! And as someone who lives in Northern Michigan, where there is usually many feet of snow by now but I can see grass in some spots which is just ridiculous, I am jealous of the snow!


  8. SO JEALOUS of the snow. I am in Ohio and we haven't had anything, well I guess we had an "ice day". This has been very unusual weather for us. I wish for just one day, though I'd really not be disappointed if we had more than one. Love the new blog design. Kristen is AWESOME!

    First Grade and Fabulous

  9. Love your new look lady! So sophisticated!

    And do you want to move back to FL anytime soon and be neighbors? I wore shorts and flip-flops today- for real. :)

    The photos are beautiful though.

    1. When you can promise me that I wont have to go through another hurricane. :P

      Yes, I remember living in shorts and flip flops. :) However, I think I would miss Fall too much.

      Ms. M

  10. Your new look is so cute! I love all the pictures of the snow! We've only had a light dusting this year. I can't wait for some beautiful snow to cover everything here. :)

    Lil' Country Kindergarten

  11. Holy cow, that is a LOT of snow! And I shudder to think what it looked like by the end of the day!

    Thanks so much for mentioning my blog so prominently. It's always great to get comments from you! I'm so glad you're reading!

    Oh, and I dig the new design!

  12. I'm your newest follower! Love your Blog and I have tagged you! come by and check out how to play!

    Cheers to School

  13. The snow looks so pretty! We have only had a dusting here in NY :( nothing like last year.

  14. Hi M,
    I have been following your blog for a while and am so excited to share with you my newly finished blog! Come check it out:



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