Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello Stranger

So... I have been MIA lately, sorry.

It's so bad that I haven't even been reading other blogs. :/  I am a bit worried of how long it will take me to catch up with all your wonderful posts.
I love this book. 
I love Splat period, but this one is one of my favorites. Of course I read it yesterday. My class even completed some super cute activities about it. Too bad I didn't have my brain turned on, because I forgot to take pictures. That has been happening a lot lately.

There has been plenty going on that I have not taken pictures of. :( I did manage to snap a picture of my kids hard at work during our writers workshop and using our word wall.

I was so proud when I caught these Kinder Kids helping each other to use our word wall. Precious, I just had to pull out my phone a snap a picture.

 Because I forgot to take pictures of my more recent activities I will share some SUPER late resolution pictures. This year I had them write a resolution and a toast.They came out super cute.
 Some close up shots.
 I promise to go to school on time a lot. I toast to go to school a lot to learn.

 I promise to help my mom cook. I wish to not forget to do my homework.

I have been doing some great text to-self activities I will share with you later this week. So keep an eye out for it.

Hope your V-day was calmer than mine. :)


  1. Hey girl, I was just about to email you and I saw this in my blog roll! I'm so happy to see you! Do you have any vacation time coming up? We have February break in 6 days (but who's counting?!). I loved seeing your pics--the resolutions are darling! You should be so proud of your students' work!

    1. Hi K. No I don't have any vaca coming up. Monday is a plan day though. That is kind of a break.

      You are putting me to shame, blogging almost daily. :P I am sooooo behind on my organization too. :/

      Ms. M

  2. Those projects turned out great! And I *love* Love, Splat!! Such a cute book!!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. How precious! Love your classroom. It looks very open and inviting.

    The projects are adorable! Thanks for sharing! Your blog is awesome!!!


    A Year of Many Firsts

    1. Thanks! My room is open and I like to keep it inviting and clutter free. :) I am not always successful but I try.

      Ms. M

  4. I too was wondering if you were okay. Your activities turned out GREAT. This year has been nuts... I'm still interested in our buddy project. Let me know what you think...


    1. I am ok just VERY tired. I hope to get a break very soon. That way I can go back to blog stalking.

      Ms. M


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