Friday, January 14, 2011

What we've been doing in January

I'm a bit late with some of the activities we've been creating in my class. I've been forgetting to take pictures of all the wonderful activities my students have made. So today I made myself stop, before I left school, and take pictures of all the great work my students have been making. Here are a few.

Have I told you about The Jacket I Wear in the snow?
I usually read this book right after Christmas break. It helps me to teach my ELL students about the clothing we wear during the Winter months. It also ties into our Writing curriculum, because that is when we are covering pattern books. One of the activities I love having my students do is to label an image of themselves with all their Winter gear on. See below. It helps me to assess if they learned the names of their Winter clothes. I also have them trace the sentence "These are the clothes we wear in the snow."

Remember when I told you about Snowmen At Night? Here's how it turned out.

Here are pictures of my students New Years resolutions.

For my 2nd graders that I only see for Writing, I borrowed an idea from Deanna Jump's blog. I had my students write what their life would be like if they lived in a snow globe. It turned out really cute and they LOVED it. I may have to do more of these activities with them. I think they are starting to feel left out.

Finally, here is just some snowman fun we had. I got them from the member section of Thistle Girl.

My kiddos had a lot of fun with all these activities. Next week we will study MLK and I hope to get those pictures up soon. Until then stay warm.
Ms. M


  1. Love it! I did the same thing today and made myself take pictures before I went home for the nice long weekend!

  2. Hey there, fellow ELL teacher! I love reading about what you do with your students! They are adorable and I love your ideas. We work with wonderful students, don't we? :) :)

  3. Yes they are great. They surprise me everyday. As for the activities. I can't take credit for them. I get most of them from all the wonderful teachers here in blog land. That includes you. :)

    Ms. M

  4. I just want to say that I really like your clothes I wear in the winter idea. I have one ell learner but this is also great for teaching nonfiction labels. Kids love to have their picture taken, so I'm sure they are highly engaged. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thank you Danielle. Your right they did love having their picture taken & it does tie in with adding lables to our picture. :) That totaly went over my head! I was concentrating on them learning vocabulary. Thanks for reminding me.

    Ms. M


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