Friday, November 19, 2010

My Classroom

Here are a few pictures of my classroom.
 This is my Computer work station. The kids can go to websites like Starfall & One More Story.
 This is my Charts, Songs & Poems workstation. These are songs & poems that we have previously learned in our class. As you can see we have many kinds of pointers. I think I will write another post about those all together. 
Here is my Making Words work station. Children can make their weekly high frequency words, build seasonal words from the seasonal bulletin board &/ or build sentences. They do this on magnetic white boards &/ or the side of the file cabinet.
 This is my reading workstation/ class library. It's not very orderly at the moment. It seems I should review how to properly shelve our classroom books.
Here is a look at my teachers desk/ space. I have a bulletin board all to myself where I keep track of all my meeting and special events. No students are allowed back there.

 This is my seasonal bulletin board with my DJ inkers weather bears and stick tree. I teach ELL so we talk about that we wear each season and label the clothing items. The students can reference this all season long.
 A closer view
 A far away shot of my Overhead workstation and easel where I do most of teaching.
 We track how many book we read for homework every month, as part of the BOOK IT! reading program. Once they meet their goal they earn a Pizza Hut coupon for a free pan pizza. They love being able to actually see how close they are to their goal.
 These 2 pocket charts display my number system. We use these numbers for several organization reasons I will have to post later about.
 My room is a bit odd. It used to be an observation room in the distant past so it has a short hallway leading into my room. It is the cause of much of my frustration, but one good thing about it is that I have some room to display some student work. This is an interactive bulletin board where the students get to write messages to one another in the speech bubbles. They LOVE it and I get a quick view of their writing.
 These are some anchor charts that I use with our writing program. The pictures in the pocket charts display our talking/ sharing buddies.
 Here is a view from the back of our room.
 This board displays our weekly HFW in our fish, our months & days charts, as well as our weekly songs & poems.
 A side view of my room.
 Because I teach multiple levels I have color coded my word wall. The read words are Kindergarten words and the blue words are first grade words.
Finally this is our writers bulletin board. We keep our 6 traits writing anchor charts here all year long so that we can reference them daily.


  1. I AM IN LOVE!!!
    Your room is darling. Looks like you are doing some great things and I can't wait to learn more.
    Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you come back and play next week!!

  2. Thank you Abby. I enjoyed sharing.

    Ms. M

  3. Thanks Ms. M for sharing your pictures. There are so many great things. I do hope you go back and elaborate on some of your pictures (number system and charts, songs, poems workstation). Have a GREAT weekend.

  4. Can you share your 6 Trait Writing Posters?

  5. Tina,

    The posters were not created by me, but by some talented teachers in the district. I will have to dig and see if I can find them. I don't know if I will get permission to share though. If I get permission I will post about them.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan


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