Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Currently

Please be good to me.

Alright so we got off to a rough start this morning when I woke up and decided to go shovel snow for 2 hours. I am so ready for a nap now. 
No rest for the wicked though. 
Here is the February Currently!

So I am a little obsessed with the new series on Fox, Empire. The show it self is excellent, the acting is great and the music is wonderful. So naturally I have been buying the songs on iTunes. :)
This morning I woke up the the most wonderful post. Cindy from Mrs. Price's Kindergators. I recently worked on a custom template for her and Cindy wrote me a WONDERFUL review. I was blown away, and am so grateful to her. She is a fabulous teacher, you simply must check out her blog.

Unfortunately I also woke up to WAY too much snow on the ground. My poor little Beetle was completely covered. I spent 2 hours shoveling and I am going to be SO sore tomorrow. I am hoping they call a snow day, so I have some recovery time.
This week is our 2nd semester Parent Conference nights and well my conference notes are so not done. Neither are my lesson plans for that matter. Yikes. I am REALLY wanting that extra day tomorrow right about now. 
We got our Snow day. Now I can spend the day off WORKING! :)
 Have you all seen the fabulous sales going on right now on Teachers Pay Teachers? Lots of teachers have put their shop on sale for the Superbowl madness, mine included. 
I like to be to think I am pretty creative, and I strive to be helpful to others. So I crowned myself...
Ms. Creatively Helpful!
Here is my way of being helpful to you, my monthly calendar freebie is now up in my shop. Go snag yourself a copy and get your February off to a great start.
Just got the call and I will be at home working on my conference notes tomorrow. 
Stay warm people!
Don't forget to stop by Farley's blog to, thank her for hosting this fab linky every month and of course read the other Currentlys.


  1. Hey there....I found your blog from Farley's linky party! I am so jealous you have a snow day tomorrow!! I want one so bad!! Enjoy your day off.....

    Mind Sparks

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