Saturday, December 6, 2014

Read it, Make it, Write it: A Word Work activity.

Hello folks!
Today I am going to share one of my newest centers/ workstations. It was very easy and inexpensive to create.
I have been in my new class for almost 5 months now, but I am still working finding a "good" and permanent home for all my centers/ workstations. If you have ever moved rooms, you know not everything works the same way in every room. The room I am in, while the perfect size for me, it is smaller, and so I am having to find new homes for a lot of my independent work stations.

This is true for my magnetic word work station, previously on the side of a file cabinet.
and then...
but now...
Consequently this year we haven't done much with our magnet letter and our independent word work. Sad I know. Over Thanksgiving break I really worked finding a solution, so I went to my sight word Pinterest board for some inspiration. I found a few...
I wanted something portable and small.

I picked up two cookie sheets and visited a co-worker. Sometimes you just need to ask someone else for help to get some clarity. Then I came up with my new magnetic word work station.
Materials are...
Cookie sheet, washi tape, sharpies, notecards, magnetic letters and Post-It notes. 
Sorry for the lack of pictures, I am so out of blogging practice.
I just taped off the cookie sheet in 3 sections, and added a little flair with multiple colors and sizes of tape. I used an extra strip to add the directions. I took the backing off of the Post-It note pad (1 pad worked for both cookie sheets, just split it in half) so it stuck itself on to the cookie sheet. 
Kids will pick a note card with their sight word, then make it with magnetic letters, and finally write it on the Post-It 
I made two, my students work in pairs at their workstations. I plan to have my First-ies (blue words)  write multiple words on one post it, but am not sure I will do that for my Kinder Kids (pink/red words). That is a whole lot of Post-It's so I might find a way to make it write and wipe 
And now to sit and write all my sight words, color coded by grade level of course. :)
As my students would say, easy peesy, lemon squeezy.


  1. Replies
    1. Here in this article, you give the good information to the students to prepare the exams or text in a fine way. Lots of the students did not know how to prepare the books for the examination but essay writers help you in each difficult step. You give the good tips in this article.

  2. And alternatively, if you don't want post it notes everywhere, (seriously, my kids are obsessed with sticking them all over! LOL) you could laminate lined paper and use dry erase markers for the "write it" part. Hmmmm..... I see a trip to the dollar store in my future today! 😝

  3. I love this idea. Time to get busy creating... Thanks for sharing what works for you, it helps so many people.

  4. I am very happy to read this. Appreciate your sharing

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