Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classroom B Update

Yesterday, I put up pictures of Class A. Today I want to share Class B.

I've wanted to recreate Deanna Jumps Surf Shack student work board, and I have tried but I am a bit short on space. This is what I came up with. I made the surfboards and attached them to brown & teal construction paper. Then I added a clothes pin to hold the student work. Again Deanna's is different her clips are behind the surfboards, but I had trouble attaching them, because of the recessed windows on the doors. Anyway, I am going to keep working on it.
These are my Kinder Kids rainbow names on display.
 A look at the window and door from the outside.
 Here is my other door with my 1st graders surfboards. We aren't displaying anything yet.

 My calendar... that I just adore.
 This is my new favorite item in this room. The 6 traits posters were made by Christie, from Teaching in Flip Flops. You can read all about all the goodies she made me here. The shell and ribbon came from Jaime's ETSY store. All I did was ask her for some ocean theme & she made this cutie. I am going to order a second and want one for Class A too.
 Isn't it cute! I was going to use double sided tape to attache the poster to the ribbon but I had forgotten it at home and I REALLY wanted it up. So I tried these clothes pins and I liked it so much I am keeping it.

 My board and Alphafriends. See my "When I'm Done..." anchor chart? I like ti but my students are getting tired of me pointing to it, and I am getting tired of hearing "I'm Done". So let's hope it sinks in soon.
 My Word Wall again.
 I usually punch holes in my charts and hang them on hooks, but these clips were handy and my hole puncher was not so I tried it. It is not as easy as my hooks but it get's the job done.
 These nest few shots are of my space, which is also my students space.

So no you have seen room A & B. What do you think?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My room... as close to finished as it's going to get.

I have to face it, my room is a work in progress... both of them. I tried to get ahead and work on room A before school began, but damn it is HARD to set up 2 rooms. Anyway, here is my finished, for now, classroom.

Classroom A
The outside of my room.

I got two of my student work boards up, but I have so many students I will have to put up a third.

Next up, my "Line Order". I love how it turned out. :) I got a fancy scrapbook paper with arrows for my header. Too bad that the lamination makes the glare. BTW, red is for Kinder, blue is for 1st and green is for my 2nd graders.
Here are the numbers for my line. They came from Mrs. Pollard from Tales of a Teacherista.
If you read my post about line order you know I use these numbers for everything. Here is a smaller number that assigns my students places in our whole group area.
These lovely dots came from Christie from Teaching in Flip Flops. As you can see I also have them o the desks to assign their table seats.

Here are a few wide shots of my room.

 My teacher area.
See those stools? Look familiar? They used to be part of some of my other centers. They have been re-purposed for my guided reading groups. When not in use they are stacked and tucked under the table.
I finally put up my writing posters. I knew they wouldn't all fit. :( I thought I could live with it. However, now I am not sure.

I know the pictures are not great. They don't showcase any particular area just more of a general look into one of my rooms. I'll have to take better pictures next week.

Come back tomorrow for some shots of Classroom B.

Friday, August 26, 2011

4 Pocket Folders Revisited

I got so many wonderful comments on my previous post about 4 pocket folders. Thank you all so much. A couple of you commented & contacted me about another way to make this folder. It is even easier than mine. So of course I thought I would make some and share it with you all too.

Start out with a 2 pocket folder with brads.

 You will also want a 2 pocket folder with out brads. Fold that one inside out and punch 3 holes on the open edge of the folder, like shown below.

Last, just place the folder in the brads of the first folder and fasten!
 Wasn't that much faster and easier! I think I will use these for reading folders for my 2nd graders.
Thank you to the ladies who put me on to this way of making the folder.

FYI: I call them Writing folders because I use them for Writing, but they can be used for ANYTHING. As you see above, I will use these for Reading.

I know you haven't heard much from me this past week, but I think life might be getting back to normal. Or at least something that resembles normal. So you should be hearing more from me... I hope. :p

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Whirl Wind

That is the only thing I can think of to call it. I can't believe that I've been teaching for a week... in 2 schools and I have survived. Although I have TONS to share I have forgotten to take pictures of my spaces... daily. I have so much to show you, I feel so dumb, but I am going to call it "first week back brain".

I do have pictures of my finished room B word wall.
I really wanted to use laminated construction paper, in 2 colors, like room A's word wall, but I couldn't get them to fit the way I wanted to on the doors. So I went with plain brown butcher paper, to go with the "Surf Shack" theme I am going for. I am super happy with the border. I am glad I saved it for this word wall, it matches much better.
I am thinking of adding a vertical strip to separate the letters further. What do you think?
 I love my Hawaiian print circle letters. They were cut using my new fancy circle cutter, just like Kristen. They were made by Christie, from Teaching in Flip Flops. You might know her from the tons of zebra print items she currently has up on her blog for free. Yes, you heard me right she sell some stuff on Teacher's Notebook, but also has some great resources on her blog for FREE. I am sure you will see many of the zebra freebies featured on here in my "Wild Animal" class, aka classroom A. Don't forget to stop by her blog and send her some love, if you download some of her resources. You'll find the button below.

She was such a doll, I just politely asked her if she would be willing to recreate some of her resources for me with a surfing theme and she did! I am super excited about all the goodies I got from her. Of course I don't have pictures, but I will definitely take more pictures this week.

I am off now to relax a bit before the madness begins again.

Click here to hop on over to Teaching in Flip Flop. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today is my first official day back with students. As you read this I am probably greeting the little buggers, as they stare at me blankly thinking... I don't understand a WORD of what your saying. Ha, ha!

Although I have been very busy working in my classroom I don't have much to update you on because I have forgotten to take pictures. I do have a few. Take a peak.

Here is the Porter's Polka Dots sign I was telling you about. If you look below you will see my Vista Print lawn sign. :)
Here is a close up shot of both.

Here is the start of my word wall in classroom B.
I hope to finish it tomorrow during my plan time.

I also wanted to share that Amy from First Things First is having a "Simple Things" Linky party. I've linked up my "Hey, hey! What do you have to say?" interactive bulletin board. Stop on by and link up something simple that has made a big difference in your classroom. Just click on the button below.

But before you go...

So here is my REAL reason for posting today. I want you all to stop by Ladybug's Teacher Files and check out my guest post! I was super excited when Kristen asked me to join these other fabulous bloggers in her week long Printables Paradise giveaway. 
Today is my day and I have updated and added another freebie to my Mini Word Wall/ Said is Dead post. So click on the button below to head on over there.

I hope your day is calmer than mine!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wow, what a week... & a classroom update #9... almost done.

It has been a crazy week for me. I have been struggling just to keep up with all the work and activities (Open houses, yes that is plural) I have had on my plate. However, I am optimistic and feel that this week my schedule and work load will calm down.

I have new pictures. Wanna see?

In Classroom A (My home school)
I added my Safari hats with my Kinder students names.
 A closer look.
Since then I have added another section for my 1st graders. On Monday I have to add a 3rd section for my 2nd graders.
 Here is where I will post my students "Line Order".
You know red for Kinder,  blue for 1st and I am working on a green for 2nd. I seem to be missing some numbers. :/

 I put up my Alphabets.
 A closer look.

I kind of organized my library. I still have a long way to go, but at least it LOOKS orderly.

 I put up my seasonal board.
I use this board to teach about the seasons, seasonal clothing, and seasonal vocabulary.

I started on my Star Reader board.
I now have to add my students pictures with a star. Once a week when I check their homework reading log, we tally up the books read and write that number on their star.
 I love this boarder!
Here is what it looks like completed.

I also started on my Writers bulletin board. I post my Writing Strategies on this board.
 This is what it looked like last year.

 I've gotten less done in classroom B, but I did want to share my fancy new banner.
It is from Stephanie at Parker's Prints ETSY Store. Stephanie is a doll work with and always makes the prettiest things.
 Can you see the lovely sign I won from Hadar's shop? I am sad I forgot :( to take a picture of my other sign from Porter's Polka Dots but I will do that on Monday. It is located on the opposite side of the room on my other window with my Vista Print yard sign.

I also put up my new Dot's on Chocolate calendar.
 I had a hard time deciding where to put this lovely addition to my room. My space is limited. However, I decided on this smaller white board, mainly because I couldn't decide what else to do with the white board, but also because it is low enough for my students to reach. I will probably put my daily charts underneath... maybe.
I think the colors go well with my surfing theme. I am not done, I have to add a few more items, like my monthly cupcake for birthdays. I am also going to TRY to make it look like a shack or cabana and  I will call it my Calendar Cabana.

My inspiration for the Surf theme came from Deanna's Surf Shack bulletin board display.
I plan on copying it to display my students work. However, I don't know where I can put it yet. Just in case you wanted to do a Surf Theme too, here is what I have thought or copied for my Surf theme room so far.
Students Work: Surf Shack
Calendar: Calendar Cabana
Word Wall: Ride the Word Wave
Teacher Area: The Big Kahuna
Counting to 100 board: Hang Ten!
Computer: Surfin' the Web
Reading station or center: Rad Reading hut, or Riptide Reading/ or Reading Reef
Seasonal Weather board: Wetsuit Weather (although I don't think I will have space for this board.)
Bathroom passes: Dudes & Bettys

I'm off now, got more work to do. I have a ton of little things to do/ create, ie: student name labels for just about everything. 
No rest for the wicked. :)