Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ten Things I've Learned from Teaching

Jennifer from Rowdy in First Grade is having a "Linky Party" about things we've learned from teaching. 

 Here are a few things I have learned in my years of teaching.

1. If there's milk around children it will inevitably be spilled.
(As one of my non teacher friends once told me, while I was complaining about spilled milk for the millionth time, "There is no use crying over spilled milk." Made me laugh then & still does now.)

2. This one I borrowed from Jennifer because it is SOOOOO true. The kid who drives you the most crazy is NEVER sick! EVER! However, if they are ever absent, you worry all day.

3. I absolutely adore children picture books.

4. Your favorite name will never be the same after you have had a student with that name. I've had several names ruined.

5. Teachers are territorial with their students. Something I only learned after becoming an ELL teacher. Ladies, you must learn to share those students with their other teachers too.

6. When your around other teachers, no matter what the setting, your conversation will always come back to school, work, students, classrooms, etc...

7. If you say something in an excited way, no matter what it is, kids will get excited about it. At least for a little while. :p

8. Contrary to popular belief lots of teachers love tech.

9. It is very hard to say goodbye to your students at the end of the school year.

10. I am always excited to start a new school year.

Your Turn.
Ms. M


  1. haha #6 reminds me of the How I Met Your Mother Episode

  2. I totally agree with all of these! The year my oldest son went to college, I had an adhd student with his name. So every day I said his name a million times and it made me think of my son who was 2000 miles away! I didn't really like the name so much after that year, but still love and adore my son!

  3. These were all so true, especially how possessive we are of our kids. Even after they live us to go to the following grade, they are still "mine."

    Mrs. Wristbridge

  4. We had such a hard time naming our 2nd child because of # 4!



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