Monday, March 2, 2015

March Currently and a Freebie

What a short month but I can say I am so ready for March.
Are you ready for the March Currently?

When I started writing this I was watching the Walking Dead, and now I am watching the Talking Dead, one of my FAVES. <3 nbsp="" p="">

Each month I've been creating a new freebie calendar and to do list template. I do love this months. The colors are some of my faves, and the frogs, from Graphics from the Pond are adorbs.
 Click on the image below to visit, A Teacher's Plan, and get the freebie for yourself. :) 
 Oh my word I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to spring break this year. I know I will spend a lot of my time working on ELL files and report cards but it will be nice to be able to sleep in and work on my own time for a little bit. Plus I have some great ideas and can't wait to create something new.
 Ok here is my confession, by now the salad has been made and eaten. It was pretty yummy too, but I really must say most days I would LOVE a salad fairy.
 So I mentioned this a minute ago, but the truth is I haven't started on my files, which makes me a little jealous of a co-worker that is almost done with hers. LOL Needless to say I doubt I will get these done this week. On my Spring Break To Do list they go. :)
In addition to any school work I have pending I plan to sleep in, catch up on some reading, watch my tv loves, and create some new items for my class and TPT shop. :) Seriously I just can't wait.

I better be off now.
Don't forget to stop by Farley's blog to, thank her for hosting this fab linky every month and of course read the other Currentlys.