Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday Meet Up: 06/30/14

Hi folks!
Back with another Monday Meet Me post.
A quick one today.
Today is all about being thankful.
Hope to be back tomorrow with a new Currently for July!
Have a good night!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What's Happening Wednesday

Have you noticed all the linky parties going on this summer? Although I have not been posting as much, I have really been enjoying all the fun. Today I will be linking up with Greg, on his What's Happening Wednesday linky.
What is happening with me?
1. A HOT mess:
I am still working summer school. I am more than halfway through my sentence, time served, 5 weeks of summer school. I have been enjoying getting off of work at noon, but I am still struggling with those really early mornings. I've been going into my new class a few days a week and working on my classroom. It is still a hot mess but I have unpacked a lot of my boxes and most of my materials are in the cabinets.
Transitioning from green to turquoise has not been easy. Still buying all my storage pieces.
I can't wait to get to the decorating part.

2. New nautical anchor posters:
I haven't been able to decorate my class, but at home I have been working on some of the new nautical elements I will put up in my room. Can't tell you how excited I am about these.
(Click on the images to make them bigger.)
I've been sticking to my same color scheme but giving each set a different look. Stripes, dots and chevron. I am really loving how they are turning out.

3. Etsy, I've been organizing my, absurdly large Etsy favorites:
I have to admit it has been very time consuming, but so worth it. I get a lot of my inspiration from Etsy shops and spend a lot of my extra cash there. I can't say how much easier it has been to find particular items now that I've created separate lists. My faves at the moments are my Washi tape, digital papers and nautical lists.

4. Pinterest, I've been pinning:
In yet another effort to try and organize all my nautical inspiration I've also created a pin board just for ideas and inspiration with my new class theme. I already have so many pins on it it is a little overwhelming. I will be working the rest of the summer trying to recreate some of these adorable items. Click on the image above to see some of my inspiration.

5. Lesson Planning, A Teacher's Plan:
Lastly, I just want to remind everyone that if you were looking for a customizable, editable lesson plan template made JUST for you, now is a good time to order/purchase. I am taking orders for pre-made AND custom lesson plan templates. If you have questions hop on over to, A Teacher's Plan, to read about your options.
That's all folks. Can't wait to read about what all of you have been up to.
Happy Hump Day

Monday, June 9, 2014

Meet Me Monday... (06/09/14)

Linking up with The Teaching Tribune today for their Monday Meet Me Linky.
I teach...
English as a second language to students in kinder and first grade. I work in a Title I school. Most of my students are immigrants, or refugees, but others are first generation children of immigrants. I am often asked if I want to go back to teaching Gen Ed, and while I do remember it fondly I jsut love my job, so for now, the answer is always no. It is a bit harder to get everything in, and even harder when I don't have enough time to get it all done in, but again, I wouldn't trade it.
I have...
I am an avid reader, or well I was. I used to devour books and read MANY book series. However, these past two years, my book pile is getting rather large because I have been struggling to find the TIME to just sit and enjoy a good book. I hope to find some this summer.
I watch...
Like I mentioned, I watch all kinds of TV. However I tend to favor sic fy,bhorror, comedy, political dramas & comedies and anything Britsh. Here are a few of my faves, Doctor Who, Haven, Fringe, Orphan Black, Sherlock, Downton Abby, Masterpiece on PBS, Newsroom, Spartacus, Game of Thrones, and right now I am running Penny Dreadful. I know I am missing a ton, but that was all I could think of right now.
I listen...
There is very little I don't listen to, but there are a few genres I don't go near. I love Pandora and have it playing all the time. At the moment I am really enjoying Paramore's Ain't it fun, Gotye's Hearts a Mess, MSMR's Hurricane, Mackelmore's Thrift Shop and Same Love, and anything from Mumford and Sons, Hunter Valentine and MJ.
I read...
Well I mentioned being an avid reader. I tend to stick to Sci. Fy, Supernatural, Steampunk, and Mysteries, but I have been known to dabble in the horror and Young Adult sections too. Used to read lots of romance in my early 20's but I am pretty much over that. Oh and I can't forget my LOVE of children's picture books. I spend a fortune on them.
I do...
My blog, almost 4 years now. Plan, almost everything. Organize, just about any space I'm in. Design, every nook of my classroom. Create, lesson plan templates for teachers. Teach, little ones who desperately want to learn English so they know what is going on.
Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Smorgasbord: June 8, 2014

Let me say a big thank you for coming back after my almost one month hiatus. I officially finished up the school year on May 23, right before Memorial day, but it took me a whole other week to completely and officially "check out" of my building. Why you may ask? Read on...

It was a rough end of the year this year, I had so much to do. I thought I was ahead of the game when I finished updating all my ELL files and report cards a whole week in advance. Silly me, I still had to pack up my whole room.
That is right, I am moving spaces, I am not sure if I mentioned that before. It was bittersweet because I love my old room, but I understand the reason for the change. Yet, I will totally miss my old view.
Here is a look at my new space. It is smaller, but I have high hopes for it. Because I am starting with a blank canvas I thought it would be a good time to change themes. So this coming year will be the year of new beginnings for me. Stay tuned for more.

Speaking of themes, I will have a Nautical themed class next year. I have been updating my Instagram with pictures of my purchases. As Greg would say... "If you don't already follow, why not?" Click on that orange heart button and follow along! Here are a few pics...

The next thing I will tell you is going to sound crazy. I signed up to teach summer school, and not jsut any summer school, high school summer school! I am not totally out of my depths here, it is still ELL, and only level 2, so I am in somewhat familiar waters, but still it has been kicking my behind. I think the worst part is that I START teaching at 8:00 every morning and go, with only a 10 min break, up until noon. After which I have been having meetings with 1. the Kinder team at my school, 2. a committee I co-chair in my building, or 3. professional developments. The few days I make it home at noon I have been taking naps! Ha ha I will definitely be enjoying my time off after summer school. I only have 4 weeks left.

Consequently I still have the "Sunday Night Blues." Good thing I am using a new cutie template, I created, to help me plan. Here is a quick peek.

Last I want to say a BIG thanks to the ladies hosting the daily summer linky parties. Nothing to motivate a blogger like a linky party. :) I will absolutely be working on blogging more frequently. I think that is all for now.

Click on the button below to hop on over to Michelle's, from Fabulous in First, blog and check out all the other posts.