Sunday, April 27, 2014

Peek At My Week: 04/27/14

Hello Ladies and Gents!
Have to admit this post almost didn't happen this weekend. I caught some sort of stomach bug and was down for the count for Friday night and Saturday. Thankfully I was able to pull it together enough to write my plans and this post. :)

I am down to the home stretch people. Only 4 more weeks of school for me, and that last week is full of non instructional activities. These are my last two themes and both will run for 3 weeks, so you will see some of the same books, resources and crafts posted these next few weeks. Keep an eye out for my Saturday Snippets, for what we actually get completed, and Theme Thursdays, for a full recap of resources.

OK let's get started...
Kinder ELL

Long Vowel Work

Books we will read...
Resources we will use...
Technology Resources...
Crafts we will make...

First Grade ELL
Books we will read...
Resources we will use...
Technology Resources...
Crafts we will make...
Don't forget to check out the other bloggers that posted their plans over on Mrs. Will's blog. 
Just click the button below.
Also, if you are looking for a lesson plan template you can grab a pre-made lesson plan from A Teacher's Plan
Just click on the button below.
Happy Planning!

Saturday Snippets: 04/26/1

Morning Ladies and Gents,
I am feeling a little under the weather, so this post will be mostly pictures of what went on this week with my students.
We started the week with some Earth day learning. 
Kids made sure to make a big ol mess.
The kinder kids went on to finish up our farms unti with pigs, cows and ducks. 
That's all people. 
I'll make sure to share how it all came together on my Theme Thursday for Farms. 
Before I go, just wanted to say congrats to the winner of the Shout-Outs pack, Michelle. 

If you didn't win a copy you can still purchase the pack from Katie's shop. 
Have a great Saturday!