Friday, August 23, 2013

Five for Friday: 08/23/13

Hi Everyone,
It is Five for Friday, on FRIDAY.
1. Laminating
So school is well underway. Week 2 is done. However, as you may know the big TN & TPT sales just ended and I have tons of new items that are in need of laminating. So guess what I am going to attempt to do this weekend???
2. Picture directions
One of the things I DID get in place this week was Hadar's, Miss. Kindergartens picture directions. Can't tell you what a life saver this is with the little ones, and more specifically the ELL/ ESL kids. This set is super cute too. Comes in chevron AND polkadots.
 Store them in a clear file on the board. Love it!
3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
This week was all about Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and our names. Always love how this activity turns out. It is from Deanna Jumps Name Unit.
4. New Word Wall Words
Oh my is this a task. Finally got them all cut out. Now to sort and bag them by week.
5. Wheels on the Bus
Next week I get to start on one of my fave books & songs, the Wheels on the Bus. We will do some more name work, initial sounds and even a bus craftie with the Wheels on the Bus.
That's all folks. Have a great weekend. Don't forget to check out all the other bloggers on Doodlebugs Five for Friday Linky.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Made It: Write and Wipe Table Spots

I've been meaning to share this post with you for 3 weeks now. However, we all know how life gets in the way, so without further ado.
I originally saw these whiteboard spot 2 years ago when a fellow teacher at my school put them on her guided reading table. Shortly after I saw some other bloggers do the same. I thought it was just brilliant and had to copy. 

Silly part was that it took me 2 years to do it. It was partly because I didn't want to pay so much for the of, I'm going to call them, write and wipe sheets. However, this year I found them, and for a pretty darn good price. Just had to snatch them up.
I started by cleaning the table and laying out the sheets.
Next, I measured the distance from the edge and each other.
 I stuck one down, and moved to another.
 I was surprised at how easy they were to put down, and though I did not have to lift any off, it felt like they were a bit forgiving.
 Some were a little off, not a perfect line, but I don't mind too much. I added my table runner, so that I could protect the write and wipe sheets from some of my binders and books. However, I will remove this during my guided reading time.
 Here is a picture of the table with the fab new duct tape stools.
 As well as a picture of it in use.
Recently I saw Kristen, from Ladybug Teacher Files, added these sheets to the back of her clipboard. I love that idea, I may be making some of those in the future.

Don't forget to check out all the other fabulous projects on Tara's Monday Made It. Just click the button below.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

3 linky's in 1 post

Oh Em Gee, week one is done and I feel completely worn out. We weren't even doing full days. The kids got out, 1 hour early, each day this week. Oh what will we do next week when we start full days? :) 

I am going to kill a bunch of birds with one stone and use the Five for Friday to address several things I've been meaning to share with you all for some time. Bound to be a crazy ride so hold on.
Here are my
1. Week 1 Down
Oh what a week. Both kids and teachers were exhausted. I mean kids fell asleep in the bathroom, hysterical crying for an hour straight, projectile vomiting. Yeah that last one was on my carpet. If you know me, you know that is a big deal. I mean the custodians are always telling me how clean my room is. So vomit on my carpet, well let's say I asked each one of our custodians to pull out "The Extractor" and clean it. Good news was that the kids are wonderful, and we are getting loads done already.
Linking up with Primary Punch for her

Here is what my 1st day this week was like...
But in reality, I should post my first CLASS day.
Remember I see groups for an hour a day.

2. Pinterest
So I held out as long as I could, but Melanie, presented me with an opportunity I could not resist and I grabbed it. So I joined. You can follow my boards by clicking on here or the picture below.
More specifically I wanted to bring your attention to a new Teacher on Pinterest board. It has some fabulous ladies working... pinning, on it and oh my word are there some great ideas. Take a look a just a few.
(Can't find the source. :( If you know it let me know so I can give credit.)
So seriously, how cute is this? It is definitely on my todo list for, I don't know when, but I know I want it.
Love vinyl. It is so clean looking. This fab idea is just a brilliant way to use your fave font in the classroom.
If I had a desk, I would seriously give it this treatment. It might be good that I don't have a desk. LOL I think it would be too overwhelming.
Those were just a few. Please check it out, I promise you won't be sorry.

3. It's all in the details.
I am almost done with this wall. I am loving how it is turning out.

Also worked on my cabinets. Put up my color charts (not pictured) and these cute Large Numbers by Sarah Cooley.

4. New Project
I took the plunge and decided to write up a DC project for an iPad Mini. No idea if it will be funded or not, but I am crossing my fingers. I REALLY want to bring one into my class. If you are looking to donate, or know someone that is looking to donate, I would appreciate the support. Remember no donation is too small. Every little bit is appreciated.

5. Teacher Tip:
Friday on Blog Hoppin' is Teacher Tip day. I don't have many tips or tricks, but I will share what works for me.
*Drink lots of water but not if you have 2 hours before your next bathroom break.
*Have one person you can really talk to. Our job is stressful, and sometimes we need someone just to vent to, bounce ideas off of, or just sit and laugh with.
*Enjoy the small little moments that happen every day. Today mine was a little girl telling me that my classroom was so pretty. Then she asked if I made all the stuff up on my walls. I told her that I hadn't but that my fabulous teacher blogger friends had. :)
*Organize writing paper by colors. I use this color system for my different grade levels, but you can use it for quarters or writing mode.
*Hang anchor chars with a thumbtack and paper clip. Makes it easy to remove and doesn't punch holes in your pretty charts.

That's all folks. Have a great weekend. I hear there is a big sale going on. Enjoy. I know my pocket book will be crying come Sunday. And don't forget to check out all the other bloggers on Doodlebugs Five for Friday Linky.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Classroom Digs

Day 2 of "Teacher Week" over at Blog Hoppin' is Classroom Digs.
 I am loving how my room is turning out, so I can't resist sharing some pictures.

It is no secret that I have been working in my classroom all summer. I've read that many of you have done the same. I have to admit I am really happy with how my room has turned out. Because of this I will let my pictures do most of the talking. Especially since this is my first day of school and I don't have much energy or time to spare.
This year, I am continuing my Surfing theme. I love that it is bright and fun. I merge it with lots of chevron and some stripes, even some polkadots. Take a peek.
Before you come in though, check out my Toucan You Can Hallway Writing. Whatever weekly letter we are working on will go here and the kids will silently finger trace it before they enter the room.
This is easily one of may favorite spots in my room this year. This awesome line up spot comes from Michelle, Fabulous In First's, Facebook page.
This year's voice volumes shall be decided by Mr. Crab.
Here is my calendar wall, and carpet meeting place.
This year I decided I wanted something on the little wall space between windows, but I wasn't sure what, until I saw my birthday cupcakes. They were a perfect fit.
If you looked left, when you walked in, you'd see my orange, yes orange, wall & cabinets. I don't have everything up. Somethings, like my color and number posters only go up after I have taught them. However, I love my book boxes.
I don't have a "desk" but 2 tables arranged in an L. One is for all of my stuff and the other, the one you see upfront, I use for my small group instruction. I have a Monday Made It post for these Write and Wipe spots scheduled for next Monday.
These are the student tables. Loving Kristen's, from Ladybug Teacher Files, table numbers.
Speaking of Kristen, here is her beautiful alphabet line framed by some CTP chevron borders. Those borders add a perfect punch of color when putting up items on the bare wall.
And I used it again for my blends, vowel pairs and digraphs.
You also get a good look at my Word Wall. Yep I did a triple border. Love the way it turned out.
These next two boards are for Reading and Writing.
Not much on them yet, but we will add as we go along.
Love these little rules posters. They came from Cara Carroll's shop.
This is the easiest way to display the date EVER. I got the month headers and numbers from Maria from, Kinder Craze. I punched holes and added rings in them. Now all I do is flip it over each day. Saves me so much time, and if I forget the kids will remind me.
Can't leave out my OTHER alphabet. This one is the one I use with my Kinder kids, (also from Cara Carroll. To be honest I have all of her chevron stuff, think I have a problem.) RememberI see multiple grade levels of ELL/ ESL kids. I didn't want anything behind the posters, so again I framed it with the chevron borders. If you are wondering why I left space below, it is because I add the alphabet friend for the letter we are learning, as we learn the letter, weekly.
Check out my door and my Surf Shack banner. THe pocket charts are for my line order. Each students picture will be posted with a number next to it so there know what spot they are to stand in line.
Before you go, please read our weekly Palm Tree Password.

Last year I took some panorama shots with my iPhone and I love it so here it is again.

That is pretty much it. Lots of stuff up, and tons of details still missing, but we will get there eventually. Hope you enjoyed a little peek into my room. Don't forget to hop on over and check out everyone elses rooms too.
Oh and I am going to take advantage and also link up yo Corrina's Class Theme Linky.